Cathy Katin-Grazzini
Cathy's Kitchen Prescription LLC
Sprouted Emmer Farro alla Crema di Fagioli
in Squash Cups
Magic happens when you cook sprouted whole grains risotto style with a medley of aromatic veggies and finish it with a fragrant, velvety bean “crema.” Served in sweet mini winter squash cups and you have a perfectly satisfying, very nutritious winter meal.
You just need to plan ahead when you sprout whole grains. But there is nothing to it. Nutritionally, sprouting initiates germination and enzymatic activity, which boosts the bioavailabity of many nutrients, increases digestibility, and significantly reduces cooking time. All good!
Serves: 3-6 Sprouting time 2-3 days Prep time 30 minutes Cooking Time: 30 minutes
1½ cups emmer farro, sprouted
½ pound (1 cup) cannellini or other white beans or 2 cans no-sodium cannellini rinsed well
3 large cloves garlic
Sprig fresh rosemary
Few grinds of pepper
Shiro (white) miso paste or powder to taste *
2 cups cherry tomatoes, mixed color, roasted
Sprigs of fresh thyme or ½ teaspoon of dried thyme
3 small winter squashes, like honeynut, sweet dumpling, jack be little, carnival, or young kabocha or red kuri,
halved and seeded
1 garlic clove
1 onion small dice
1 carrot, small dice
1 celery stalk, small dice
1 full teaspoon dried French or Italian herb blend
Dry vermouth or dry white wine or no-sodium veggie broth to deglaze pan
1 young, thin leek, well cleaned and cut thinly
1 young zucchini, small dice
1 young yellow squash, small dice
2 cups spigariello or lacinato kale, thinly sliced
2 new potatoes, small dice
2 cups no sodium veggie broth
Shiro (white) miso paste or powder to taste *
freshly ground black pepper to taste
*Miso is a good salt alternative, found to lower heart rate and not elevate blood pressure.
Sprout the Emmer Farro
Two or more days before cooking, place grain in a large bowl, fill with non-chlorinated water, swish, drain, refill, covering with 2 inches of water. Soak overnight. Drain, rinse, drain in a fine-mesh sieve. Repeat the rinse/drain cycle twice/day until tiny tails materialize, the first sign of germination. Rinse, drain well, and set aside. If you make in advance, refrigerate the sprouts but continue to rinse and drain twice daily to prevent mold.
Prepare the Crema di Fagioli
For dried beans, soak them either overnight or boil them for 1 minute, turn off the flame and steep them, covered, until the beans swell and sink (usually 30-60 minutes, depending on their age). Drain and refill with fresh water. Toss in the garlic and rosemary. Cook on the gentlest simmer until tender but intact. Drain and reserve the cooking water. If using canned beans, rinse well.
Toss the beans, garlic, rosemary in a food processor and run for a minute to create a smooth crema (purée). Season with pepper and miso to taste. Set aside.
Roast the Tomatoes
Preheat an oven to 400°F/204°C. On a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, place the tomatoes, cut side up, sprinkle on the thyme, and roast until they become soft, jammy, and lightly golden, about 25-30 minutes. Set aside.
Prepare the Squash Cups
Rub the interior of the squash halves with garlic. Line another baking sheet with parchment. Sharing the oven with the tomatoes, place the squash halves cup side up, and roast them for 25-30 minutes or until fork tender and lightly browned.
Cook the Emmer Farro
In a large skilled on a low flame, sweat the aromatics (onion, carrot, celery) with the sprouted farro until the veggies have released their water and begun to soften. If the pan is dry, add a splash of dry vermouth or dry white wine or broth.
Stir in the herbs, leeks, squashes, kale and potatoes and cook for a few minutes. Add the broth now, cover, lower heat and gently simmer until the farro and veggies are cooked and fragrant. Do not overcook.
Stir in enough of the crema di fagioli now to make the mix creamy and moist. If necessary, add a little more broth or water, if needed.
Taste and correct seasonings as you like.
Mound the filling in the squash cups and serve warm on warmed plates
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